I realise the following is not very helpful as I've pasted my code solution and didn't have the time to explain it.... Now I'm looking at it wondering what I was trying to solve. Anyway, if I remember I'll come back and fill in the blanks...
{# Get menu items #} {% set items = simplify_menu('main') %} {# Iterate menu tree #} {% for menu_item in items.menu_tree %} {# Check if this is the active item. #} {% set active = (menu_item.active) ? ' is-active' : '' %} {# Check if this item is in the active trail. #} {% set active = active ~ ((menu_item.active_trail) ? ' is-active-trail' : '') %} <li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children {{ active }}"> <a href="{{ menu_item.url }}" class="{{ active }}"><span>{{ menu_item.text }}</span></a> {% if menu_item.submenu %} <ul class="sub-menu"> {% for submenu_item in menu_item.submenu %} {% set subactive = (submenu_item.active) ? ' is-active' : '' %} {# Check if this is the active item. #} {% set subactivetrail = (submenu_item.active_trail) ? ' is-active-trail' : '' %} {# Check if this item is in the active trail. #} <li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page {{ subactivetrail }}"> <a href="{{ submenu_item.url }}" class="{{ subactive }}"><span>{{ submenu_item.text }}</span></a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endif %} </li> {% endfor %}
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